Vaccinating Your Hoboken Kitten

Vaccinating your Hoboken Kitten

Vaccinating your Hoboken kitten is very important.  Keeping your kitten happy and healthy is a good start towards a long and happy life. It is very important to ensure you take your new addition to the vet as soon as you can. They will require a checkup as well as a variety of vaccinations. The course of required vaccines will depend largely upon a few factors.

  1. Your cats breed
  2. Your cats gender
  3. Your cats age
  4. Where you live

It is recommended that your kitten receive their first round of shots around six to seven weeks of age. There are several vaccines recommended for cats. There is what is considered Core (Vital) and Non-Core (dependent upon factors mentioned above).

Core Recommended Vaccines:
  • feline panleukopenia (distemper)
  • feline viral rhinotracheitis (feline herpes)
  • feline calicivirus (upper respiratory illness)
  • rabies

The first three vaccines are normally available as a combo shot in most areas and should be given every four weeks until the kitten has reached 20 weeks of age. The rabies shot is to be given at 12 weeks of age. Once they have been given according to the schedule above it would then fall to a three year schedule for administration.

Non-Core Vaccines:
  • feline leukemia
  • bordetella (kennel cough)
  • feline infectious peritonitis (infection that effects the entire body)
  • chlamydophlia (upper respiratory virus)

If these are required or not will depend on certain factors such as the immediate threat of the specific disease in your area as well as other factors. Meet with your vet and discuss the best medical plan for your pet. Also request an official record of your pets shots and history, for your files. Keeping up with your cats shots and visits will allow your you and your vet to keep an eye on their health and any changes that you can address right away.

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