Curb Your Dog in Hoboken, New Jersey

What Does It Mean to Curb a Dog? Curbing a dog simply means picking up his poop, preventing him from peeing on your neighbor’s property, and just generally being responsible about all matters concerning your dog’s excretion.

Every state has their rules on curbing your dog and understanding the laws in your state and community as well as abiding by them, is important for you, your dog and the community at large. The idea of the phrase “curb your dog” is believed to have its origin in the fact that if dogs walked on the curb, then their waste would fall there where it could be picked up by the cleaners. A few of the laws outlined here are general ones, and are adaptable everywhere including Hoboken, New Jersey.

Different communities have different laws on where dogs are allowed to be walked and/or exercised. This also includes places where they are not allowed to relieve themselves or “answer the call of nature,” so to say. In most places, dogs are allowed to be walked and picked-up after on any public roads, but some do not allow a dog to defecate in specific areas even if the owner intends to clean up after the dog. In Hoboken, the “no-dogs-on-grass” rule is periodically enforced by the city’s Health Department, parks officials and police officers. If you disregard this rule, you will be doing so at your own risk as the fines can be substantial.

Pick Up the Poo The standard in most places is that once a dog defecates, the owner or the person walking the dog must immediately pick up the waste. They can use a bag, a shovel or anything they choose; the important thing is that they pick up the waste and take it home with them to be disposed of as appropriate. In Hoboken, it is a rule to carry pick-up bags and pick up and dispose of dog waste promptly.

What To Do With the Picked Up Poo A number of communities have rules on the disposal of pet waste while some are not so explicit in their requirements. Most states or communities generally require that feces be wrapped and put in the trash or that they are flushed, the aim being to prevent the feces from getting into the storm drains and pipes from where it could possibly end up in the water systems resulting in serious health implications.

It is important to note that in Hoboken, it is a law that all dogs must be kept on a leash that is six feet long in all public places. Also, no dogs are allowed on the grass or unpaved areas within the parks or the waterfront walkways.

For dog owners or people walking dogs in Hoboken, see to it that you do not leave your dog unattended while holding conversations, always pick up after your dog and when you see someone not picking up after their dog, politely inform them to do so.

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