Do Dogs Like Music?

We enjoy listening music at home, at work, in the car and almost any place we go. It has been proven that music has a significant impact on our mood. It makes us relaxed, content and joyful in spite of our stressful lifestyles. No wonder, songs and tunes play a vital role in our lives. But did you have any idea that your dog can also be calmed by music? Recent studies have shown that music keeps them calm and at ease even in new surroundings.

What Music Do Dogs Like to Listen?

It is a well known fact that dogs have excellent hearing skills. With such attentive ears, they are able to hear a variety of things: from loud sound to quiet whispers. Can they also differentiate between different types of music? Can it affect their moods like the way it does for humans. A study done by Deborah Wells, an animal behaviorist, showed that dogs certainly like music and can also tell the difference between different types of music.

She played different types of music for dogs and found that dogs have different reactions to different music. The study revealed that pooches find classical music more relaxing, while they were not interested in pop music or radio shows. Ambient sounds, reflecting the tones of human speech, bird chirping, dogs barking, seemed to be the most effective sounds. It seems like our furry friends have their own preferences for music, just like us. However, it is still up for debate why pop music doesn’t appeal to dogs. Researchers think that may be pop music sounds too similar to human voices, which dogs hear every day.

In the study, some dogs were found getting agitated by loud sounds, bangs or repetitive notes. High-frequency radio waves can be distressing for the dogs. Dogs can hear the sound frequencies ranging between 23 – 25,000 Hz that humans cannot hear. Such sounds often interest them as it is not the normal range in their usual environment. Sound is certainly an important consideration in the dog’s environment. It affects them both positively and negatively.

Benefits of Music Therapy for Dogs

Music therapy has become a popular and an effective way of soothing the nerves of your beloved dogs. There are numerous benefits of music therapy such as:

  • Music helps the pet through many tense situations.
  • It plays a significant role in decreasing the emotional distress of being apart from its owner.
  • Music slows the heart rate and reduces tension and blood pressure.
  • The relaxing power of music promotes a speedy recovery from any sort of illness.
  • Positive music increases the happiness and keeps the pet in a more relaxed state.
  • The stress releasing power of music helps to boost the immune system of your dog.
  • Music discourages unsociable behavior such as barking and chasing.
  • Soft music with a slow, steady rhythm helps calm agitated puppies.

Music has a very positive effect on our dog’s life as it helps counteract a stressful environment. Have you ever seen your dog react to music in a positive way? If yes, find out what type of music appeals to him/her and create the peaceful environment that you both enjoy.

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