Dog Sitter Recommends Dog Commands

Trusty Tails Dog Sitter Recommends Dog Commands

Speaking to your dog is so incredibly important, but it’s not just what you say , but how you say it.    When speaking to your dog, the pet sitter recommended dog commands should be given in a firm, strong voice.  Praise should be given in an excited and happy tone.   Always be positive. Don’t forget to provide positive praise and/or reward with treats.

When you give your dog a command, it should always be preceded with their name, for example, “Blue Sit!” or “Blue Come”.   Never use the dogs name in a reprimanding command, but instead, use the word “dog” and say “bad dog”.   Her name should only be used in positive reinforcement.

Always be sure to only give one command at a time, otherwise your dog may get confused. For example “Blue Sit Down” is quite confusing.  Should Blue “Sit” or lay “Down”?  Also, make sure that everyone in the family is using the same commands so that consistency is used.

Below are a few of dog commands our dog sitters recommend for you to teach your dog or puppy.

Trusty Tails Dog Sitter Recommends Dog Commands

“Good Boy/Girl” – All dogs love to hear this.

“Heel ” -To walk with you on lead

“Come” – To follow you

“Sit” – I recommend not using ‘sit down’, but simply ‘sit’ when you want her to sit.

“Down” – To lie down

“Stay” – Don’t move from current position

“Okay” – She is released from the position you have her in and is done working until the next command is given.

“Go Home” – To go into crate (nap, bedtime, etc.)

“Drop It” – When she has something she should not have

“Hurry Up” – When you want her to go the bathroom

“Leave It” – When you want her to take something

“Off” – If she jumps on people or furniture

“Easy” – When pulling on leash or going to fast on leash

“Out” – Leave the room, house, car, etc.

“Let’s Go” –

“No” or “Wrong” – When you don’t want them to do a particular behavior

“Ouch” or “Eeee!” – When they hurt you, such as nipping at you as a puppy

“Take It” –  When you want them to grab something, such as a toy, etc.

What are some favorite commands you have taught your dog?  Leave us a note below:

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