How to Prepare for a Cat Sitter

3 Ways You Can Prepare for a Cat SitterLeaving your cat with a sitter for the first time can be a stressful experience. Not knowing what to expect or how your cat will adjust is definitely worrisome, but ensuring that your cat sitter has everything they need to care for your pet on a daily basis or even in the event of an emergency may be at the front of your mind.  If you are wondering how to make your sitter better equipped to watch over your cat, here are some suggestions on How to Prepare for a Cat Sitter:


1. Update your cat’s online profile

Preparing for a cat sitter’s visit in advance is much easier than searching for food or digging through cabinets for medication or not knowing who the veterinarian is if there’s an emergency.

Since your feline is not able to communicate their needs to the sitter, creating a profile with specific details, needs, likes, dislikes, etc., for your cat will help both the sitter and your pet adjust quickly.  Does your cat have a favorite toy or treat that you would like the sitter to keep in mind? Your pet’s profile should include this information as well as the location where these items can be found.


2. Specify Food Requirements & Clear Instructions for Medications

Food portions and administering medication are important items that you may know by heart, but for a sitter watching over your cat for the first time, this information will need to be communicated so that they are prepared for any and all situations.

Providing details about dosing requirements, when to administer medication, or ways to make your pet more comfortable while administering medication are all ways to prepare your sitter for every and any situation. For example, your cat has a specific dose of thyroid medication or a special jacket for anxiety, these are specifics your sitter will need to know in order to ensure that your cat is healthy and safe while you are away.

And remember, updating these details sooner rather than later is always important. This way, your sitter can review the instructions and reach out with any questions that they may have in order to avoid disturbing you while you are away.


Book Your Cat Sitter


3. Provide Working Keys and Home Security System Information

We require access to two sets of keys when you schedule service with us.  One is for your main sitter and the second set is backup for emergency.  Don’t forget to try them and ensure they work if you just had new copies made.  It’s common for a key not to work after a fresh cut at the locksmith.

If you have a security code to your home, be sure to provide this ahead of time in order to avoid any uncomfortable or stressful situations for the sitter once you are gone. Also include details on how to handle a situation if your home alarm goes off during their stay or if there is an actual emergency. And since it’s common for animals to trigger an alarm sensor and set off an alarm, turning off the indoor motion sensors could be helpful for your sitter while they care for your pet.

All in all, the more that you can prepare for your cat sitter ahead of time will pave the way for seamless visits while you’re away. Update your cat’s pet profile, leave specific details on medication and feeding schedules, and provide keys and home security information. This will enable your cat sitter to take care of your cat in the manner that he or she is used to—and will enable you to have stress-free time away from home.

If you’re ready to book a cat sitter or have any questions, please feel free to contact us today!