Cyber Monday Contest: 20 Lucky Winners!
Help us find Trusty Dog in the images posted every hour on Facebook and Instagram from 8am – 5pm EST by commenting where he is located in each photo when you spot our pup!
FREE 8-oz Bag of Treats to 20 luck Winners! AND
50% OFF any purchase at, for all participants, Promo Code CYBER50
WHEN: 8am – 5pm EST on Cyber Monday, Nov 30, 2015, On the hour, each hour.
WHERE: Facebook and Instagram HOW:
- Follow Us on Facebook and Instagram.
- Find Trusty Dog in images posted to the social media.
- Respond to the image with a brief description of Trusty Dog’s location.
- Share with a friend.
- 20 Winners total (10 Facebook, 10 Instagram) will be announced Cyber Monday (Nov 30, 2015).
- One submission per person per photo on Facebook or Instagram. Participation on Twitter will not count as a contest submission.
- For each correct answer per image, contestants will be given a number in the order they were received. Random number generator will choose a winner to receive a coupon code for each image.
- Prize is one FREE 8oz. bag of Treat Kitchen treats awarded per photo.
- Prize is non transferable for any product or service and has no cash value.
- Promo Code CYBER50 is valid 11/30/15 – 12/04/15.
- Winners will be instructed to email [email protected] with their announced winning handle, name, address, and flavor selection.